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 Gallery > The Constellations
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ISS in the Brittany sky
Crescent above the sea
The zodiac constellation
The zodiac constellations: The Scales (Libra)
24609 times
The zodiac constellations: The Archer (Sagittarius)
22880 times
Circumpolar constellations
Ursa Major
31480 times
Like a new star in Perseus
23226 times
Fall constellations
From Orion to Cassiopeia
21054 times
The Moon in Aquarius
20851 times
Winter Constellations
Orion, the Hunter
29533 times
The Taurus constellation
27111 times
Spring constellations
Watching the stars on a Full Moon night
25773 times
Leo constellaiton and the menhir
19047 times
Summer Constellations
The Sagittarius is hunting
31779 times
Lyra constellation
27811 times
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 The Constellations 

 The zodiac constellation  14 pictures 
The zodiac constellations: Aries (the Tam)The zodiac constellations: The Bull (Taurus)The zodiac constellations: the Twins (Gemini)The zodiac constellations: CancerThe zodiac constellations: The Lion (Leo)
The zodiac constellations: The Maiden (Virgo)The zodiac constellations: The Scales (Libra)The zodiac constellations: The Scorpion (Scorpio)The zodiac constellations: The Archer (Sagittarius)The zodiac constellations: The Goat-horned (Capricorn)
The zodiac constellations: The Water-Bearer (Aquarius)The zodiac constellations: The Fishes (Pisces)Sagittarius hide behind the Meneham guardian houseFive zodiac constellations above the Tas de Pois
 Circumpolar constellations  16 pictures 
Like a new star in PerseusLike a new star in PerseusHolmes is getting bigger in PerseusUrsa MajorLittle Dipper, Big Dipper and Draco
A wind turbine, the Liitle and Big Dipper and CassiopeiaA wind turbine, the Liitle and Big Dipper and CassiopeiaFrom Auriga to LyraFrom Auriga to LyraUrsa Major and Ursa Minor
The Penmarc'h semaphore and Saint Pierre chapelFrom Cassiopeia to VirgoThe Big Dipper and the manoirThe Great and Little Dipper under CassiopeiaUrsa Minor above the Mont Saint-Michel
Ursa Minor above the Mont Saint-Michel
 Fall constellations  17 pictures 
From Pisces Australis to AndromedaFrom Pegasus to LeoFrom Pegasus to LeoFrom Pegasus to LeoFrom Cygnus to Canis Major
From Ursa Major to AndromedaFrom Gemini to AndromedaFrom Gemini to AndromedaFrom Orion to CassiopeiaFrom Orion to Cassiopeia
The old and new Penmarc'h lighthouseThe Moon in AquariusThe Moon in AquariusAndromeda and Cassiopeia between the branchesGreat Square Of Pegasus
Mira at its maximumMira at its maximum
 Winter Constellations  17 pictures 
The Taurus constellationThe Winter constellationsGoodbye winter, hello Spring!Orion, the HunterAndromeda, Pegasus and Aries
Orion vs TaurusLeo, Cancer and GeminiFrom Cancer to PerseusFrom Orion to PerseusFrom Canis Major to Perseus
Incongruous associationOrion and Taurus are settingOrion and Taurus are settingOrion and Taurus above a churchLeo, Cancer and Gemini
A colza field under the moonlightUnder the light of the lighthouse of La Pointe Saint Mathieu
 Spring constellations  11 pictures 
Leo constellaiton and the menhirVirgo and Corvus constellationsBootes and Corona BorealisThe Lion and the chapelVirgo and Corvus constellations
A field of colza under the starsLeo, Ursa Major and BootesLeo, Ursa Major and BootesVirgo above Carnac menhirsWatching the stars on a Full Moon night
Watching the stars on a Full Moon night
 Summer Constellations  32 pictures 
Lyra constellationThe Great Summer's TriangleThe Celestial North Pole in Summer Spring constellationsSpring constellations
The Great Summer's TriangleFour Zodiac constellations and the Milky WayThe constellation of ScorpiusThe Sagittarius and the ScorpiusThe Sagittarius and the Scorpius
The Sagittarius is huntingThe Scorpius is rising at dawn on WinterVenus and jupiter as a stingHercule, upside downA wind turbine, Draco, Lyra, Cygnus and the Arrow
Draco, Lyra, Cygnus, Aquila and a wind turbineDraco, Lyra, Cygnus, Aquila and a wind turbineUrsa Major behind the wind turbineFrom Sagittarius to OphiuchusFrom Sagittarius to Ophiuchus
From Pegasus to Corona BorealisThe Scorpius above the townThe Scorpius above the townThe Scorpius and SagittariusThe Scorpius and Sagittarius
From Perseus to HerculusJupiter is on oppositionFrom Perseus to BootesFrom Perseus to BootesFrom Bootes to Cygnus
Scorpius above the houseScorpius with Sagittarius in ambush
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