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Gallery > Sunsets, green flash > Sunset over the Pointe du Raz
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The Scorpius in the Penmarc'h glow
Venus shifting during two hours
Sunset over the Pointe du Raz
21201 times
Sunset over the Pointe du Raz
19644 times
Sunset over the Pointe du Raz
17887 times
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Sunset over the Pointe du Raz
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Finally, it's at 22:12 local time (10:12 PM GMT) that the Sun finishes its agony. Tonight no green flash. The sky wasn't good enough.
Seen 17887 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   70 mm focal length
Exposure & film   1/45 s with digital camera Camedia 5060 + DCL-4337 + 80/480 refrector
Date & place   June 8, 2005, Tronoën (Finistère)

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