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Gallery > Moonrise > Full Moon or Full Môôn
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An astrophotogaph under the zodiacal light
Total Moon Eclipse of May 4, 2004
Full Moon or Full Môôn
29096 times
Full Moon or Full Môôn
23299 times
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Full Moon or Full Môôn
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768 x 1024 pixels (119 kB)


 768 x 1024 pixels 
(119 ko)
Instrument   70 mm focal length, composite of 2 pictures
Exposure & film   1/8 s with digital camera Camedia 5060 + DCL-4337 + 80/480 refrector
Date & place   July 20, 2005, Quimper
Is it a Full Moon or a Full "Môôn"? In the right picture, taken 20 seconds after the left one, the Moon is wearing a little beret, like a circumflex accent (a "mock" mirage effect).

See also the explanation of this phenomenon in the gallery "Green Flash".
Seen 29096 times See the next picture of that series.

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