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Gallery > Sunsets, green flash > Then, the green flash
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A bright parhelia at the beginning
2 Geminids at the same time
The true green flash
30941 times
Green flash and blue flash
30085 times
Then, the green flash
27671 times
Green flash and blue flash
26529 times
The Sun touch its reflet
24425 times
Omega Sun
24078 times
Blue and green flashes
23590 times
Blue and green flashes
22700 times
Blue and green flashes
21923 times
Green flash, blue flash
17684 times
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Then, the green flash
Photo processed with DxO Optics
Click to enlarge
768 x 1024 pixels (122 kB)


 768 x 1024 pixels 
(122 ko)
Instrument   Canon 350D + WO Megrez 480/80 (F/D 6.0) refractor, composite of 6 pictures
Exposure & film   1/4000 s on
Date & place   November 6, 2006, Pointe de la Torche (Finistère)
As expected, the green flash appears. The sky is so clear, even near the horizon, that the Sun is blinding even one second before it disappears. At 1/4000 s at 200 ISO, the Sun disk is overexposed (the white area).
Through the camera, I see a nice blue flash, but my eyes were influenced by the orange tint. In the photo, a bluish zone is barely visible in the penultimate shot. The presence of the inferior mirage magnify the height of the green flash, facilitated its observation.

Have a look to those animations showing the green flash:
- animation in Flash (600 x 450, 870 kB)
- animation in GIF (600 x 450, 1.8 MB)
Seen 27671 times See the next picture of that series.

 The others pictures of "Green flash and blue flash"
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 This picture has been published in
 Le ciel à l'oeil nu en 2008
3 pictures published page 18, 38 and 60.
To see the picture, click here 
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