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Winter solstice Moon eclipse
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Winter solstice Moon eclipse
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Winter solstice Moon eclipse
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Winter solstice Moon eclipse
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Winter solstice Moon eclipse
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The "Tas de Pois" rocks were really The place to be. But the clouds weren't agree. A last hole in the clouds let the Moonlight filtering, illuminating in orange (as the twilight is illuminating the landscape in blue) one of the rocks. In the middle of the picture, the Ouessant Island lighthouse is visible. The Moon won't reappear!
Seen 12868 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   300 mm focal length, composite of 3 pictures
Exposure & film   8 s with digital camera Canon 5D MarkII + Sigma 100-300 1:4
Date & place   December 21, 2010, Pointe de Dinan (Finistère)

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