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Gallery > Conjunctions and transits > Moon-Mars,Pleiades conjunction
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A bright parhelia at the beginning
2 Geminids at the same time
Moon-Mars,Pleiades conjunction
18791 times
Moon-Mars,Pleiades conjunction
18416 times
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Moon-Mars,Pleiades conjunction
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This evening, the Moon is not very far from Mars, and Mars is not very far from the Pleiades (at the same elevation, at the far left). The clouds are not far too. In fact, they are welcome, because without them, the photograph had been a little too empty.
Tomorrow, if the weather is good, the conjunction should be even more nice.
Seen 18791 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   70 mm focal length
Exposure & film   10 s with digital camera Camedia 5060
Date & place   October 18, 2005, Quimper

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