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The true green flash
30795 times
Green flash and blue flash
29960 times
Then, the green flash
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Green flash and blue flash
26419 times
The Sun touch its reflet
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Omega Sun
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Blue and green flashes
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Blue and green flashes
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Blue and green flashes
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Green flash, blue flash
17563 times
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The true green flash
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1024 x 768 pixels (158 ko)

 1024 x 768 pixels (158 kB)
Now, the Sun is too low for the blue tints to be visible. As the Sun is disappearing behind the horizon and is reducing in a flat and bright bar, the yellow is vanishing to the profit of the green: it's the famous "Rayon vert" of Jules Verne's book.
The vertical bar seen in front of the sun, at the right of its center, is probably a mirage of a cloud summit.

See the animation showing the green flash in Flash in 600 x 400 pixels (also available in GIF in 400 x 267 pixels).
Seen 30795 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   Canon 350D + WO Megrez 480/80 (F/D 6.0) refractor, composite of 8 pictures
Exposure & film   1/4000 s on
Date & place   April 7, 2006, Tronoën (Finistère)

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