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Gallery > Comets > PanSTARRS and the ocean
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PanSTARRS and the ocean
16870 times
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PanSTARRS close to the horizon
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PanSTARRS barely visible
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PanSTARRS and the ocean
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1920 x 1280 pixels (478 ko)

 1920 x 1280 pixels (478 kB)
For once, this is a single shot, not a panorama. With this long lasting exposure (8 s), the ocean looks gorgeous due to the strong currents that sweep the "Raz de Sein".
Seen 16870 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   85 mm focal length
Exposure & film   8 s with digital camera Canon 6D + Canon 85mm F/1.8
Date & place   March 14, 2013, Pointe du Raz

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