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Gallery > Clouds > Cirrus with virga
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Threatening undulations
Changes in the Moon's apparent diameter
Cirrus with virga
26611 times
Some really strange clouds
23884 times
Some really strange clouds
23437 times
Some really strange clouds
20881 times
Cirrus floccus with virga
16496 times
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Cirrus with virga
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1024 x 768 pixels (126 ko)

 1024 x 768 pixels (126 kB)
Beautiful cirrus, along with cloudy veil combed called virgas (as the veil of Madonna), adorn the sunset sky. On the lower right of the picture (the upper left of the Sun), some very white elongated clouds are iridescent.
Seen 26611 times
Instrument   76 mm focal length
Exposure & film   1/500 s with digital camera DC3400 Zoom
Date & place   August 14, 2002, Quimper

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 This picture has been published in
 CD audio "Plu Meven" (Esperanto Bretagne)
Pictures published in the audio CD "Plu Meven" (sailor songs in esperanto) produced by Esperanto Bretagne
To see the picture, click here 
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