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Gallery > Artificial Satellite > ISS, Saturn and the Moon
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A bright parhelia at the beginning
2 Geminids at the same time
ISS in the Brittany sky
32496 times
ISS: Western side
25832 times
ISS enter into the Earth shadow
25079 times
ISS pass by Venus
22797 times
ISS, Saturn and the Moon
22425 times
ISS pass by the Full Moon
21745 times
ISS in the twilight
21313 times
ISS and the Great Andromeda Galaxy
21117 times
ISS betwenn Orion and the Moon
21073 times
ISS: Eastern side
20346 times
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ISS, Saturn and the Moon
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1024 x 768 pixels (158 ko)

 1024 x 768 pixels (158 kB)
Tonight, ISS has a rendez-vous with the Moon. But before that, it has passed near Saturn, the brightest "star" on the lower right, with Castor and Pollux just above, on its right. Then, it was the Beehive Cluster's (M44 in the contellation of the Cancer) turn and finally the Moon nearly in Quarter, west of the head of Leo.
Seen 22425 times
Instrument   27 mm focal length
Exposure & film   91 s with digital camera Camedia 5060
Date & place   May 15, 2005, Quimper

 The others pictures of "ISS"
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 This picture has been published in
 Le ciel à l'oeil nu en 2006
Published in page 69 of "Le ciel à l'oeil nu en 2006"
To see the picture, click here 
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