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The Scorpius in the Penmarc'h glow
Venus shifting during two hours
Above the lighthouse
33115 times
The rain has stopped
27977 times
Total Moon Eclipse of May 4, 2004
25642 times
Upcoming rain
25184 times
Eclipse and atmospheric refraction
23031 times
Total Moon Eclipse of May 4, 2004
22975 times
Green spots and a green one
22022 times
The eclipsed Moon is rising!
21962 times
Bad weather for an eclipse
21725 times
Total Moon Eclipse of May 4, 2004
21550 times
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The rain has stopped
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Chapter 6

The Eastern hrozion is very dark, but at last, the rain has stopped. heroically, I stayed beside my tripod (covered with a litter bag) under a strong rain, because a strong wind could bring down the camera fixed on it. To protect myself from the rain wetting my pants, I put my feet in another litter bag. But it was already too late, I spent the rest of the evening with a soaked pants. The Moon was still masked, but it would appear soon.
Notice that the Perdrix lighthouse, dark in the previous picture, is now brighter, because the Western horizon is clearer and so illuminate the lighthouse. Remark too that the rain has lasted ot least a quarter of an hour because we see that the tide move down as the coast appear on the lighthouse left. Co-author: Christophe Rouillat.
Seen 27977 times See the next picture of that series.
Instrument   Zuiko 55 mm 1:4.0 lens
Exposure & film   5 s on Sensia 200
Date & place   May 4, 2004, Île-Tudy

 The others pictures of "Total lunar eclipse on May 4, 2004"
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