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Gallery > Brittany coast under stars > Exoplanetary landscape
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A car is passing
The Moon, Venus and Jupiter aligned
Lunar landscape
25862 times
This is not a Perseid!
24449 times
Exoplanetary landscape
24091 times
Straight to the Milky Way
21481 times
The Milky Way and the blockhaus
20729 times
Lord's finger
20423 times
Lunar landscape
19783 times
A Perseid!
19723 times
An hippopotamus on the beach!
19694 times
The menace is approching
19244 times
 The others pictures of "August 2006 Perseids"
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Exoplanetary landscape
Photo processed with DxO Optics
Click to enlarge
768 x 1024 pixels (145 kB)


 768 x 1024 pixels 
(145 ko)
Instrument   10 mm focal length
Exposure & film   20 s with digital camera Canon 350D + Sigma 10-20 1:4-5.6
Date & place   August 13, 2006, Treguennec (Finistère)
That landscape isn't from a remote planet. It cames from the shore at low tide. Numerous sea water pools ornate the shore. The use of a ultra wide anle lens (10 mm focal lenght, equivalent to 16 mm with the Canon 350D) make us loosing all references in lengths and distances.
Seen 24091 times See the next picture of that series.

 The others pictures of "August 2006 Perseids"
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 This picture has been published in
Published in the August 12-13, 2006, Perseids meteors gallery in
To see the picture, click here
Published in the August 12-13, 2006, Perseids meteors gallery in
To see the picture, click here 
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